“The Shortest Journey is a Detour” Series
Book Date Protagonist Location Major Event
1. 1750BC Havram-Abraham Middle East-England Judaism's Foundation
2. 1450BC Senenmut&Yahmose Egypt-Canaan 1st Exodus
3. 1250BC Elmose Egypt-Midian 2nd Exodus
4. 656BC Kahaniah Palestine-Egypt Elephantine Temple
5. 450BC Zurniah Egypt-Cypress Arc's Disappearance
6. 50AD Barnabus Cypress-Greece Christianity's Diaspora
7. 350AD Merlyn Phoenicia-Scotland Introduction of Orthodoxy
8. 1350AD Sean Maccleith Scotland Transition to Modernity
I have two published books of a proposed eight volume series called "The Shortest Journey is a Detour." The premise is eight snapshots of God's interactions with mankind throughout history in Judaism and Christianity, gradually giving us an expanded understanding of who He is; a greater and broader understand of who He wants us to become, all as He calls us to gradually closer communion with Him. We gradually grow from taking baby steps to spiritual adulthood.