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69-20 Save the Cat Revision Process

Jessica Brody

Building Your Revision Storyboard (Step-by-Step)


Step 1. Create a scene card for every scene/chapter in your story

         Stick to a 1-2 sentence, high-level description of what happens in the



Step 2. Place your single-scene beats first

         - Opening Image

         - Theme Stated

         - Catalyst

         - Break into Act 2

         - Midpoint

         - All is Lost

         - Break into Acts 2

         - Final Image



Step 3. Missing a Beat? Create a Placeholder Card

         - Include any ideas you might have for what that beat might be


Step 4. Fill in other cards between the single-scene beats (these become your multi-scene beats)

         - Set-up

         - Debate

         - Fun and Games

         - Bad Guys Close In

         - Dark Night of the Soul

         - Finale


Step 5. Brainstorm and create more cards as necessary to complete the board



- Save the Cat Storytelling Software (

- Scrivener (

- Plottr (

- Trello (

- Fictionary (

Rev Dr E. William (Liam) Petter    -   e-mail:    -    Address: 2831 El Dorado Pkwy, Ste 103-443, Frisco, Tx 75033

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