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30-05 Fiction Genres

Story Grid

Writing fiction is the act of weaving a series of lies to arrive at a greater truth.” — Khaled Hosseini

Thriller & Suspense

A horror story can also be called a thriller, if it employs psychological fear to build suspense. But not all thrillers are horror stories. So what are they? While this book genre encompasses many of the same elements as mystery, in a thriller the protagonist is usually acting to save their own life, rather than to solve the crime. Thrillers typically include cliffhangers, deception, high emotional stakes, and plenty of action — keeping the reader on the edge of their seat until the book’s climax. Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl is a masterclass in the dark, mysterious thriller. 

Pro tip for writing a thriller: Avoid anything that bogs down the pacing. If you notice that a scene is getting tied up in everyday details, or doesn’t add enough excitement to the plot, rewrite it or cut it altogether!

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