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93-13 Classes-Seminars-Websites

Many of the Genres have a “Society” available for a nominal annual fee. Many host an annual conference with guest speakers – These are normally well worth it. Six of seven or so speakers will be excellent. I am a member of the Historical Society (I write Biblical Fiction – a sub-genre)


Many larger Book Club area groups host an annual conference with a nominal fee. These usually have guest speakers, some of which will be well-worth the fee. I go to the annual DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth) Conference




Daniel David Wallace - Highly Recommended

         Holds a free seminar series (12-20 Guest Speakers) about once quarterly on a round-robin schedule – Some have slides you can request or print-screen to ensure you glean all you can. Others just speak and you need to take notes. There is a modest fee for being able to watch their videos for a week, or free for later that day. Some sessions will be of minimal value, but others are worth paying for and offer great advice. He’s British – just get over the different spelling, as in exercize/exercise.


Savannah Gilbo – savannahgilbo.comsavannahgilbo@kjbm.savannahgilboHighly Recommended

         A Scion of Shawn Coyne of Story Grid, she is a good lower-cost source of Story Grid Knowledge – I depend on her for a lot of the in-depth Story Grid knowledge


ProWriting Aid – Highly Recommended

Holds a class series once a quarter, each lasting several days, each on a different genre


Plottr - Recommended

Attended a class series (?-I’ve only attended one as I just found out about it) lasting several days


Tim Grahl – tim@storygrid.comGood, but covers a wide gamut, a lot of “pay-fors”

         Get the Story grid book. I use it all the time.

         The advice is good, but as it can be pricy, I usually go elsewhere


Rhonda Resiliant Writer - - Good

          I get her blog – its use to me is spotty, but I often get good advice I can use


Martin Cavannagh at Reedsy - - Good

         I soured on Reedsy when I contracted (and paid for) a developmental editor and only got a line editor who was unqualified as a developmental editor

         I use Reedsy, but am skeptical – Let the Buyer Beware


Emma Dhesi – Not Recommended

         She has “Talk about It”, not a “Give you Information that will Help You” speakers




Publisher’s Clearing House – worth

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