Jessie Cal
Book Launch Prep: Before we begin, I’d just like to say that, although this checklist can work for any author, this course is especially geared towards authors who are just starting out and still building their brand.
So, what does this checklist look like?
- Too small to read
What Will We Learn in This Course?
In this course, I am going to walk you through each of these tasks
- You’ll learn not only why you should do them, but how you should use them and when it’s most effective to use them
First: why would you say that publishing your first book is not enough?
Why is a “book launch” even needed?
- Simply put, it takes a reader about three times of seeing something for them to even consider buying it.
- So, if you want them to buy your book during the release, you need to start talking about it beforehand
- It’s important to have a “Call for Action.” Having nowhere to send them to is a waste of advertisement
Who Is This Course For?
This Book Launch Checklist can be used for both self-publishes and traditionally published authors.
The only difference is that, for a traditionally published author, not all tasks will be done by you. Your publisher will do a lot of them.
However, … you can still us this list. All you have to do is check off the tasks they’re responsible for and focus on what you can do.
And, believe it or not, even if you do get an agent, and publisher, you (the author) are still responsible for most of your marketing.
Now, before we begin, here’s a few things you need to know,
What Do We Need to Know Before We Begin?
Of course, this list is not a hard-fast rule. I made this based on my needs and the way my brain works.
And one way I prefer to do things is by scheduling them “ahead of time.”
So, that’s it’s all ready to go when it needs to be, so that I’m not scrambling the week of the launch.
Also, you can use this list even if you don’t have any followers. And I’ll show you how to go about doing that.
Let’s get started!
What Will We Learn in This Course?
Week One
- Set-up pre-Order
- If you’re planning on running promos on the new release, price pre-order and release at $0.99
- Format a sample of your book
- Join/create BookFunnel promos with sample for week of release
Week Two
- If you don’t have one yet, try sendfox, https:/appsumoproducts/sendfox
- Newsletter swaps for week of release
- Write/Schedule newsletters
● Cover reveal
● Share blurb
● Share excerpt
● Release day
- Send ARC copy with review links
Add book to
- Amazon Author Central
Week Three
- Create promo graphics
- Cover reveal
- Save the date
- Pre-order available
- New release available now!
- 5 teasers
Week Four
- Schedule Posts
- Choose 7 Keywords
- Choose 18 Categories
Week 1
- Set-up pre-order
- Normally your publishing company would do this for you, but if you’re a
self-published author, here’s how you can do it on your own …
- Format a sample of your release
- If you’re looking for a free way to format it yourself, even if it’s just the sample, you can use Reedsy. It’s user-friendly and free.
- Join or create Bookfunnel promos with sample
- For this step, a reader magnet would be ideal. However, if you don’t have any followers, you can try using the sample for the new release. (If you’re trad published, you will have to check with your publisher if they allow you to do this)
Week 2
- Set up a newsletter
- If you don’t have one, I would suggest sendfox because it’s a one-time payment. And you can expand your list as you grow.
- Set up newsletter swaps for release week
- For this step, I like to use StoryOrigin
- Add book to:
- Author Central: hrrps://
- Bookbub:
- Goodreads:
Week 3
- Create promo graphics
- For this step, I like to use Canva
Week 4
- Schedule posts
- For this step, I like to use a scheduling planner. Some free options are:
- Schedule promos: only if you’re going to release your book at $0.99
- ReadingCave and PublisherRocket are options
- Categories: try
- Finalize: That’s pretty much it!